Multnomah County has retained Dr. Kevin Murphy to help cover up inmate abuse at the Multnomah County Detention Center (MCDC). Dr. Kevin James Murphy describes himself in his expert witness report as "the chief medical officer of the Portland Timbers of Major League Soccer" before offering a weak opinion clearly intended to help deputies get away with breaking an inmate's arm and denying him proper medical care. A bootlicker like him does not deserve to be the chief medical officer of any team let alone a team with a progressive fan base like the Portland Timbers. It is well known that many Timbers fans are members of Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and other groups frequently targeted by law enforcement. After the murder of George Floyd, countless Timbers fans were beaten in the streets and wrongfully imprisoned in MCDC. Luckily, District Attorney Mike Schmidt was kind enough to grant most of them amnesty because otherwise they would have likely been abused by staff the second they asserted their rights. If any of them threatened to post a guard's home address on a website they could have been abused just like the victim in this case for the same reason. However, the victim in this case had gained a reputation for being mentally unbreakable, so they broke his arm. Breaking his arm didn't even work either, it just sidelined him for a bit and led to a lawsuit. To Dr. Murphy's credit, the victim in this case wishes that Multnomah County would have hired him years ago to treat his broken arm instead of Dr. Michael Seale (https://ift.tt/P9Swiln). Dr. Seale appears to be a general medical practitioner while Dr. Murphy appears to be a highly qualified orthopedic surgeon. However, Dr. Murphy's opinion on its face does not appear to rebut many claims made by the Plaintiff's experts, validates others, and at times overreaches into areas outside his field of expertise. The exact meaning of that last sentence will be exposed in federal court in the near future. Finally, as tax payers we feel ripped off by the rates Dr. Murphy is charging Multnomah County. According to his report, Multnomah County has been paying him $800 per hour for expert review and report preparation. That rate is about standard, but if the case goes to trial he will bill Multnomah County for $2,000 an hour for his testimony. We do not know why Multnomah County would go with such an expensive expert when surely they could have found a qualified orthopedic surgeon for less. Perhaps such doctors were not as overreaching as they would like. We the people have had enough. Wasting tax payers money in pursuit of injustice will not be tolerated. Plaintiff's expert witness reports can be found at: https://ift.tt/FdcU69A https://ift.tt/oZymV0q The point of posting those links is so that people that know what to look for know to look at them. Comparing them to the Murphy Report should reveal that there are many things the county fails to address or addresses inadequately as will be explained in court shortly. #portlandtimbers #kevinmurphy #sportsmedicineoregon #antifa
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