San Jose Police Officer Matthew Dominguez was arrested this past week for masturbating in front of a mother and her daughter while in uniform inside a home in response to a call. If you're shaking your head thinking that Cop Blaster is not a reliable news outlet, watch the video embedded below this article or click the source link above the map. Despite being walked out the front door by his boss on camera for all the press to see as an example of accountability, he remains on paid administrative leave. We would like to thank San Jose Police Chief Anthony Matta for taking prompt action in this case despite the disturbing news that Dominguez will continue to collect a paycheck. We believe that Matta took care of the most important things here which were to put Dominguez in jail and take his police powers away. We hope that the legislative body most capable of stopping the next Dominguez from getting a paycheck under these circumstances takes swift action. Dominguez's own union has turned against him. San Jose Police Officers Association President Sean Pritchard released a statement saying, "I am absolutely disgusted by this repugnant allegation that damages the reputation of our profession... If this is true, the individual must be held accountable and he should never be allowed to be a police officer ever again." According to public records, Matthew Dominguez was born on February 12, 1990 making him 32 years old. His last known address is 150 Palm Valley Blvd., Apt. 2103, San Jose, California. We are making his address publicly available because he is charged with a sex crime that carries with it a requirement that he register as a sex offender for 10 years if convicted. We exempt officers from address censorship in extreme cases such as being charged with a sexually based offense. We recommend that people living nearby lock up their wives and daughters, but ask that nobody commit any crimes against Dominguez because doing so could jeopardize our ability to continue to improve public safety by warning of dangerous officers in specific locations. If convicted and sent to jail he will probably get what is coming to him, so nobody in society should feel the need to do anything illegal to him. We would like to thank a specific defense attorney for this tip, but are not sure if she would want to be thanked publicly by name on this site. #matthewdominguez #indecentexposure #masturbation #sexoffenders
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