While off duty, Kingsport Police Officer Daniel Horne was confronted by a complete stranger for his physical behavior disciplining a child by using very strong force jerking her around, hitting her chin (on video) and hunting her down the isles after she walked away from him crying (on video). He charged the man for simple assault, resisting arrest and disorderly conduct after he destroyed many displays and pallets of goods throwing the concerned citizen around (on video). The woman the concerned citizen was with, told him to leave him alone, he was was helping a child, get off him! He looked up at her and screamed SHUT THE H*** UP OR ILL BEAT THE F**** OUT OF YOU!, multiple times. Any man who can say these words to a complete strange woman in public could absolutely be 10 fold worse at his home behind closed doors. We are seeking an internal investigation on this incident and to pray for Mr. Horne and his family along with the Indian Springs community as he is running for Commissioner of District 6. We cannot afford to have such behavior in our community. We cannot allow a man so unstable to be around our children, working for the public, driving a police car with a firearm or being alone with women. We are wanting the truth about that evening to be known and for Justice to be served to Mr. Horne for lying on his statement, for threatening/assaulting a woman, for assaulting a man for doing nothing other than coming to the aid of a child. He should have thanked the man for checking on the child, what if it was a babysitter that had his child and she was being handled like that? Any parent would have been overly thankful for someone stepping up and checking on her. Any man in his right mind would have checked on the child. This man that came to the aide of the child has experienced abuse as a child first hand and knows the signals all too well. He served his country in the Middle East in combat and continues to support Vets across the country. Wouldnt the police department want concern citizens to come to the aid of child abuse? Wouldnt any normal citizen do this? He and his fianc actively attend church, are involved in the community and are committed to serving. They are the type that would give anyone the shirt off their backs. God explicitly asks us to defend the weak and to take a stand for Justice. Facts: An illegal chokehold was used on the man (on video) NO badge shown until the very end and after he was done throwing the man around (on video), Made personal threats bringing up his family members as if he was stalking him online Asking about mans son, screaming that I know you and I know Jaymie the couple had never, ever, ever met or knew this psychopathic man in rage before. The woman he was with was calling him a piece of *hit, that she was going to block him on social media and may get a restraining order. The man had not seen or spoke or even knew this woman at the time and had been over 30 years since he seen her in high school. The concerned couple had been living in Miami for years. He began the entire physical altercation after man was walking away after he had checked on the child and then Horne proceeded to use both hands plowing him down the isles. Threatened woman by shouting I will beat the F out of You! multiple times, to not go to her vehicle as she wanted to video the episode but he unlawfully made her stay (video shows his hand striking towards woman as he screamed at her). Threatened to beat her up for her talking (on video). Both officers that arrived on site lied on their statements after they collaborated with Horne. Their statements completely contradict the video and their story has already changed multiple times. This is a Federal crime with a felony. Daniel Horned lied on his statement about the entire event, the video clearly proves this and he will be guilty of perjury which is a Federal crime punishable for up to 5 years. It is a felony charge with a minimum of one year. The pain, money, humiliation, anxiety and family heartache this has caused this couple is indescribable. They were doing the right thing, but they are being accused of a crime that was never committed. The only thing they are guilty of is going to the aide of a child, that is it. Thank you all very much, keep this couple in your prayers. daniel horne Daniel Horne Assaults Man After Man Sees Him Hitting Child Screenshot TINA AVOIDING THE ENTIRE EVENT AS IF SHE DOESNT KNOW THEM TINA AVOIDING THE ENTIRE EVENT AS IF SHE DOESNT KNOW THEM Daniel Horne Assaults Man After Man Sees Him Hitting Child Screenshot WALKING IN GRILLING HER WALKING-IN-GRILLING-HER Daniel Horne Assaults Man After Man Sees Him Hitting Child Screenshot MORE PULLING MORE PULLING daniel horne being rough with girl Daniel Horne Assaults Man After Man Sees Him Hitting Child Screenshot PULLING ARM FRONT PULLING ARM FRONT daniel horne tina horne Daniel Horne Assaults Man After Man Sees Him Hitting Child Screenshot JERKING CHILD BACK OFF BALANCE JERKING CHILD BACK OFF BALANCE daniel horne Daniel Horne Assaults Man After Man Sees Him Hitting Child Screenshot WHEN HE STRUCK THE CHILD WHEN HE STRUCK THE CHILD daniel horne assaults man Daniel Horne Assaults Man After Man Sees Him Hitting Child Screenshot WIPING TEARS AWAY AS THEY WALK IN WIPING TEARS AWAY AS THEY WALK IN TINA LOOKING TO SEE IF ANYONE SEEN THIS Daniel Horne Assaults Man After Man Sees Him Hitting Child Screenshot TINA LOOKING TO SEE IF ANYONE SEEN THIS 300x188 TINA LOOKING TO SEE IF ANYONE SEEN THIS Daniel Horne Assaults Man After Man Sees Him Hitting Child Screenshot STILL STARING HER DOWN 300x189 STILL STARING HER DOWN Daniel Horne Assaults Man After Man Sees Him Hitting Child Screenshot STALKING FOR CHILD THEY WALKED IN SEPERATELY STALKING FOR CHILD THEY WALKED IN SEPERATELY HUNTING CHILD AFTER HE STRUCK HER Daniel Horne Assaults Man After Man Sees Him Hitting Child Screenshot HUNTING CHILD AFTER HE STRUCK HER HUNTING CHILD AFTER HE STRUCK HER daniel horne hunting child Daniel Horne Assaults Man After Man Sees Him Hitting Child Screenshot STILL HUNTING CHILD #danielhorne #tinahorne #commissioner
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