Colorado Springs Police (CSP) officer Shane Reed is facing charges of kidnapping, child abuse, menacing, and harassment for grabbing a 15 year old boy by the wrist, dragging him about 20 feet, shoving him into a fence, and threatening to kill him before adding that nobody would find his body. Court documents have not made it clear exactly how Officer Reed and the boy know each other. The CSP has placed Reed on administrative leave pending the outcome of the case. According to the arrest affidavit (uploaded as PDF above), the victim was walking with a friend when Reed (presumably off duty) pulled up behind the boys in his personal truck and shined his headlights on the boys before exiting the vehicle. Reed then targeted one of the boys with an angry comment we believe to be in reference to another kid. The comment has been quoted in the press as" he loves the f***k out of [redacted]" which we think is an indicator of some sort of dispute between the victim and somebody Reed cares about. Given the description of events we think the victim probably had a quarrel with another kid in the neighborhood that Reed is close to. We think Reed was probably trying to scare the victim out of causing the person he claims to love future problems. While he may have had the right idea initially, he let his feelings get the better of him, and handled it inappropriately. A local media outlet contacted the phone number registered to Shane Reed. Somebody picked up, would not identify himself, and said that they had the story wrong, but would not elaborate. This case appears similar to a case from last year when an elderly former officer lost it on some neighborhood kids and decided to create his own scared straight program (https://ift.tt/4Cx1EmQ). In that case the officer appeared to think that he could take matters into his own hands and teach kids to respect their elders, but he ended up being the one learning a lesson. We think this case is likely similar. According to public records, Shane Hugh Reed is a 30 year old resident of Yoder, Colorado. He is a registered non-partisan with no prior criminal history. #shanereed #kidnapping #assault #childabuse #threats
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