My story starts with my mom having affairs at school and getting a divorce with my dad, not one but two with janitors, then a fake restraining order was made up of all lies getting my dad out of house for 15 days, mom is also a bus driver and works with others in bus garage that are police and sheriff, I was thrown to ground and punched in the back by Andrew c Smith I ran for help to grandpas as smith continued to chase me then broke my grandpas door he is 85 and grandma 82, 911 was called and Robert Bianchi shows up and does nothing, 911 was called for help several times for Andrew Smith shoving and screaming at grandpa but after 911 called Robert Bianchi would be less than one minute away parked at fire hall and sheriff department is 13 miles away, Andrew Smith would call Bianchi before coming out every time, there was so much theft done by Andrew Smith being on our property by himself and every time grandpa would call 911 nothing would happen and we felt helpless watching thousands of dollars in damage and theft, things only got worse when mom would send a kid to our house with messages every day while a restraining order on dad, kid also made up some serious lies again Robert Bianchi handeling this case caused by my mom and has zero evidence and fake witnesses, we have so much evidence in the case and text messages of death threats, we had to put up surveillance equipment and wi if cameras up and we got many trespassing pictures , almost every night for two months sheriff would have Andrew c Smith come out and crawl through bushes and make our hounds bark all night, we were getting help from neighbors until Robert Bianchi went and threatened them to, I am afraid sheriff will kill someone in our family our make us loose our home, please do research on Robert Bianchi he arrested a man out here and I watched it all happen, the guy he put in the car was in great condition but ended up brain dead before getting to jail, if anyone is friends with sheriff here you can commit several felonies and get away with it, such as selling a bus that paper was signed by judge saying not her property, changing bank account so relief checks went into her account and could not access my money in my name our my dads, furniture cut with knives, batteries tipped upside down in grandpas greenhouse beds, insulation torn to pieces and thrown into greenhouse, If anyone has stories they want to share about this sheriff department please do so we can share with our lawyer, this same thing is happening all over klickitat county. Bianchi only accepts evidence that benefits his friends , Sheriff department had Andrew c Smith steal my phone and there was evidence of smith beating me up , they also could get evidence from school bus that would fix a lot of problems , child on bus said she was lying and made up story but my mom has this all covered again My email is andrewosborn322gmail.com #goldendaleklickitatcountysheriffcorruption
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