Dr. Lyn J. Mangiameli was assigned to my case which involved a false allegation. My former attorney had previously threatened to tamper with any evaluation. She said that she "lost a lot of business" as a result of complaints that I had previously made about her. This attorney allowed my 13 year old son to be sexually molested. There are also strong indications that my other children had been molested, but I can't confirm it because I haven't seen them in over 7 years. Furthermore, my youngest daughter is under the legal custody of a man who previously drugged and raped a teen. California Penal Code 236.1 dictates that "the abuse or threatened abuse of the legal process" cannot be used to sex traffic a child. If there were to be any false determination of competency, it would affect my standing to protect my children. I used this law to make an argument to the judge that any evaluation would unlawful. Although the judge accepted this, my attorney indicated the Dr. Mangiameli would still submit a psychological evaluation into the record. I promptly filed a preemptive complaint with the California Board of Psychology. I included all the ALL the details of what is happening to my kids. I requested that he not submit any report, as no empirically valid assessment would be utilized, nor did he have my consent. Dr. Mangiameli went ahead anyhow and submitted into the record a report that indicated that I was mentally incompetent, despite not having my consent or participation. He indicated in the report that he viewed the evidence that the custodial father of my youngest daughter previously engaged in a drugging and rape, but it did nothing to deter him. He also stated that because I report the sexual abuse of my children to the District Attorney in 2017 that it could be an indication of a "psychiatric issue". At no point did Dr. Mangiameli confirm or disconfirm the abuse. He simply said that I was crazy for having reported it. I call on Dr. Mangiameli to retract the improper report that he filed. #sexualabuse #psychologist #drlynmangiameli #court
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