Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Facebook Turncoat Frances Bordwell Haugen

Facebook Turncoat Frances Bordwell HaugenFrances Bordwell Haugen is a former Facebook executive now making a making headlines for ratting out her former employer to the federal government. This week she testified before the Senate Consumer Protection Committee in an effort to get the government to censor social media more. People like her are the reason why you can hardly say anything on Facebook anymore and its almost impossible to operate an account using any name other than your real one. She thinks that Facebook is a threat to democracy because they still allow too many people to be heard on their platform. She fails to realize that shutting people up is the real threat to democracy. Like a lot of snitches she likes to try to make her squealing look courageous. The truth is she is just a bitter bitch who couldn't make it at Facebook and now wants to make up for it by making herself a hero to those that seek to undermine democracy by shutting people up. They call those being silenced by Facebook extremists and their words misinformation, but who is Facebook to decide what is true or false? The real threat to democracy is a government that keeps finding ways to silence those that disagree with them. It is bad enough that Facebook has voluntarily censored just about anyone most people find offensive, but now the government itself threatens to force Facebook to silence the rest. The only good thing that can come of this is an opportunity for new platforms willing to defy the government should they take action. Platforms run using offshore servers and that create policies against complying with American courts. Platforms like which is currently being developed to allow users to post almost anything with little oversight. We conducted a background check on Haugen resulting in the above mapped address as well as the email address frances.haugen[at] We are not sure if the address we have is current because it shows up online some places as the location of a business. The rest of her address history is listed as follows: 1777 9TH ST OAKLAND, CA 94607 2010 - 2020 1483 GRAND AVE IOWA CITY, IA 52246 2001 - 2018 3356 24TH ST SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94110 2017 - 2018 6399 CHRISTIE AVE APT 409 EMERYVILLE, CA 94608 2016 - 2018 As always we ask that nobody use this information for any illegal purpose. We post addresses of people like her to help people make their voices heard peacefully. #franceshaugen #facebook #censorship #freespeech #famoussnitches


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