Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Greeley ratface stay away from the ugly pigs

Look them up all over the us for more info get a p... i.they go from State to state pretending to be bikers etc and then bust people they have even tried to get a look alike for me to go with ugly ass Gary and snitch and then try to blame me I can't stand them and they are NOT allowed in anyone's business ever again . Hes a premeditated murderer who is trying to weasel out of his charges by informing people all of them are and they also have thier ugly snitch wives follow and bug people Joe is a ratface so is Mark and I literally can't stand Gary the what's cracking pos he has to have vibrator implants on woman they all do to get the off cause he's so damn ugly ... Sad huh. Have them investigated Renee also she's a whore and btw I have a copy of your sundowners program you tried to hook up to my dad's computer I want to press charges for harrassment and I recommend life in prison with NO parole. Teri i am from Greeley Colorado home of the sons of Satan and the devil worshipping capital.....Gary Mark Aaron Melissa the sons of stupid bitch Joe Blows Brooklyn the ratface Larry the ratface Stephanie the ratface and codie Ellie may golddigger ratface stay away from the ugly pigs and lazzy and trazzy also #theyjustgofromstatetostatesnitchingonpeopleliningout


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