Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Franklin County Deputy Jason Meade Shot Wrong Man During Manhunt

Franklin County Sheriff's Deputy Jason Meade shot and killed 23 year old Casey Goodson last Friday during a manhunt for someone else. The above images of Meade came from a story by Del Dunduit "My New Chapter" titled "Kick the Crap Out of the Bad Guys" that now returns a 404 error no doubt because Meade was hoping to keep people from finding pictures of him during the days between the shooting and when he was named. Fortunately Del Dunduit did not delete the cached copy of the page from Google so we were able to download the images and upload the original article as a PDF. The Franklin County Sheriff's Office (FCSO) was quick to call this murder justified based on the behavior of an innocent young man who was in the wrong place at the wrong time during a manhunt for someone else led by the U.S. Marshals Service. Police are quick to accuse Goodson of waving a gun as he drove by Deputy Meade who was sitting in an unmarked vehicle. Then they say Deputy Meade opened fire killing him. The fact that Meade was in an unmarked vehicle indicates that there was no way for Goodson to know that he was waving a gun in front of a cop during a manhunt. Waving a gun in public does not justify shooting someone. FCSO deputies conveniently do not wear body cameras so the likelihood of being able to prove Meade's guilt with the amount of scientific certainty necessary for police to hold one of their own accountable is impossible. According to Del Dunduit "He's a combination of John Wayne, Chuck Norris, and Sylvester Stallone." He was a United States Marine for 8 years, saw combat in Iraq in 2005, has been a deputy with the FCSO for the past 17 years, and was a member of the SWAT team. His combination of military training, and reckless disregard for human life manifested by him shooting at random people certainly appear to make him a real life combination of Chuck Norris and Sylvester Stallone. As the pastor at Rosedale Free Will Baptist Church just north of Columbus at the address above for several years he seems like a bit of a religious nut like John Wayne. #jasonmeade #usmarshalsservice #caseygoodson #bodycams #baptists

source https://copblaster.com/blast/34345/franklin-county-deputy-jason-meade-shot-wrong-man-during-manhunt

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