Sunday, March 15, 2020

Matthew Ingram: Loan Shark by Day? Abusive Deputy By Night

This author knows Sergeant Matthew P. Ingram of the Multnomah County Sheriff's Office (MCSO) as the abusive deputy that smashed a man's head into a mattress while another deputy broke his arm. Ingram then told the inmate "I run this [expletive] jail not you!" and left. The following day Ingram falsified incident reports and colluded with other deputies to make it look like the inmate was fighting them "ferociously" after his arm was broken during an earlier forceful cuffing. Ingram's actions led to a federal indictment against the inmate charging him with assaulting five deputies while they were performing duties pursuant to a contract with the United States Marshals. All five of the original charges were eventually dropped when the inmate pled guilty to a lesser charge for throwing chips at one of the deputies. No evidence was ever presented that backed up Ingram's claims that the inmate was "mule kicking at staff" or that he struck Ingram "in the leg." Neither Ingram nor any other deputy involved sought medical attention, took pictures, or otherwise produced any proof of injuries at all. Ingram further stated that he heard a "pop" while handcuffing the inmate and that the inmate did not complain of his arm being broken until after he was taken down the elevator and to the fourth floor disciplinary unit. Ingram wrote it up as if to make the arm injury appear so minor that the inmate did not complain until after fighting deputies for several minutes despite the arm being broken. One look at this x-ray is all it takes for any reasonable person to conclude that no human being is capable of not being in so much pain that they could have fought a group of deputies as Ingram described. It just is not possible. By all accounts the inmate was wailing in pain after the deputies left him on a mattress on the fourth floor. The fact that no deputy reports the inmate showing any sign of pain until then proves that the arm was broken on the fourth floor and not the fifth. This author knows what really happened because this author was that inmate. There is not a lot of information about this Matthew P. Ingram online. This author could not find a photo of him, but a social networking account that could only be his was found. On that account, Ingram claims to be a loan officer with Willamette Valley Bank. He also appears to be offering various deals on properties in the Bend area. Sgt. Ingram works the swing shift at the Multnomah County Detention Center (MCDC). That would give him time for a side gig involving real estate. It does not take much to be a loan officer. This author had a couple of fraternity brothers in college that were loan officers at Wells Fargo despite being undergraduates. All they needed was a little training and the right connections to become loan officers. Ingram's social media activity indicates that he has tried marketing properties to fellow deputies and his friends list is packed with fellow MCSO employees.#matthewingram #multnomahcountyjail #willamettevalleybank


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