Saturday, December 14, 2019

Elias Fernley's Effort to Bury the Truth About Timothy McVeigh

Elias Fernley admitted that he tried to cover up the truth about Oklahoma City Bomber Timothy McVeigh at the Multnomah County Detention Center in Portland, Oregon on July 22, 2017. The proof can be found government documents where he wrote, "On first check, I noted 4F13 Sullivan had a piece of paper in his window that read 'McVeigh should have parked here' I asked him to remove it which he did with a chuckle." The fact that Timothy McVeigh should have parked at the corner of SW Third and Main in downtown Portland instead of outside the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995 is a no brainer for anyone that compares both locations. The Murrah Building was an inferior target because although it contained offices for the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF), and Secret Service, it also contained a day care center and military recruiting offices. Now the DEA, ATF, and Secret Service were all fair game without which America would be a better place. The military recruiters though were probably just some young patriotic kids not far removed from high school that were trying to get 18 year old's to sign up to protect the county from foreign threats. No matter how better off America would be without the current government a military would always be needed. Then of course the day care center should have been enough for anyone to at least look for a building equally rich in deserving targets without a day care center. Obviously little kids have not lived long enough to do anything really wrong in their lives, so that right there should have had him at least looking for a substitute. The corner of SW Third and Main in downtown Portland is the biggest center of oppression in the state of Oregon because Portland is the largest city in the state, and several hard targets are located there. On one side of Main Street is the Multnomah County Justice Center located at 1120 SW Third Avenue and on the other side of Main Street is the Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse located at 1000 SW Third Avenue. Both targets would have probably been completely destroyed by McVeigh's bomb since they are high rise buildings is a small area as opposed to a large spread out office building like the Murrah. The upper levels of the Justice Center contains the headquarters of the Portland Police Bureau , the middle and lower levels contain MCDC which is staffed by a large number of Multnomah County Sheriff's Office (MCSO) deputies, and on the first level are four courtrooms used by the Multnomah County Circuit Court for arraignments. The Hatfield Courthouse is home of the Portland Division of the United States District Court for the District of Oregon which has several federal judges, and the building also serves as the headquarters for the United States Marshals (USM) in Oregon. Across the park block sits the Multnomah County Courthouse at 1021 SW 4th Avenue which houses the bulk of the Multnomah County Circuit Court. McVeigh's bomb was not powerful enough to wipe out the county courthouse from across the park, but it still would have damaged it by shattering windows and possibly inflicting casualties with its shock wave and shrapnel. That could have had a long term positive impact on the integrity of the Circuit Court because if by chance shattered glass were to blind the judges, they would no longer be able to lie convincingly when they say that they have looked at all the evidence. This author is not aware of any day care centers within the blast radius of McVeigh's device at the corner of SW Third and Main in Portland, Oregon, but a large number of innocent adults would have been killed because MCDC is home to hundreds of inmates. Fortunately, a large number of those inmates are sex offenders and snitches in protective custody, so no real loss there. The rest of the inmates probably would have understood what McVeigh was doing and although they would have preferred not to get blown up would not have hated McVeigh for it. Conclusion The corner of SW Third and Main in downtown Portland would have been a better parking spot for Timothy McVeigh on April 19, 1995. Deputy Fernley's censorship of the inmate was a pathetic attempt to cover up the truth about Oklahoma City Bombing at MCDC. Even if the inmate were wrong the inmate would still have had a right to his opinion, so Fernley was wrong to censor him.#multnomahcountyjail #eliasfernley #timothymcveigh #censorship


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