Sunday, October 13, 2019

Deputies Jon Burnett and Marco Reyes are NOT Doctors!

Multnomah County Sheriff's Deputies Jon Burnett and Marco Reyes are not doctors, so why were they overruling a doctor when it came to treatment of an inmate's broken arm? That is a good question that I have yet to hear a legitimate answer to. In 2017 they took me to Oregon Health Sciences University (OHSU) from the Multnomah County Detention Center (MCDC) for a follow up. I had previously sustained a broken left humerus when Deputy Timothy Barker intentionally twisted my arm until the bone snapped into two pieces. Deputies were told to bring me back within a week and that translated to five weeks. When I finally got my follow up the doctor said that there was still a chance that my arm would not heal crooked. The doctor then tried to give me a sarmiento brace but Deputies Burnett and Reyes stopped her. They told the doctor that I could not have the brace that I needed in the jail just because it contained metal. So apparently someone decided that these deputies are better qualified to determine the medical needs of inmates than a doctor. It is not uncommon for inmates to be given medical equipment that contains metal. Walkers and canes are good examples. Both of those things can be used as weapons far easier than a brace. Yet, for whatever reason I would only be allowed to bring a sling back to the jail. That sling obviously was not enough to keep my arm from healing crooked because it is still crooked.#multnomahcountyjail #jonburnett #marcoreyes


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